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Hopewell Area Recreation & Parks

Hopewell Area Recreation & Parks

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

It is the mission of Hopewell Area Recreation and Parks (HARP) to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Hopewell Township, East Hopewell Township, Stewartstown Borough, and Crossroads Borough by providing comprehensive recreation and park services that include well-maintained facilities and a wide variety of programs designed to meet the needs of children and adults in our community.

HARP Board Members

Bobby Holmes (SB)--Chairperson
Suellen Kneller (SB)--Vice Chairperson
Mike Kosmicki (EH)--Treasurer
Kelly Keesler (HT)--Secretary
Charles Hobbs (CB)
Lacy Roberts (HT)

Always looking for more community involvement

HT=Hopewell Township 
EH=East Hopewell Township 
SB=Stewartstown Borough 
CB=Crossroads Borough

Board Meetings

When:  2nd Wednesday of Every Month

Time:  7 pm
Where:  Meeting Room
Stewartstown Community Bldg
16 College Ave

Forum:  Open to the public.

If you would like to be added to the monthly agenda, 
please email [email protected] 
or call 717-993-2255 (Voice Mail) by the Thur prior to meeting.

Board History

"Connecting Community Through Family, Friends, and Neighbors"

The Board acts as the governing body of the local recreational facilities including:  the community center; batting barn; playground; sport fields; tennis and basketball courts; concession building; scout house; and pavilion. 

The Board is responsible for the maintenance, rules, and improvement of these facilities.  It also authorizes different organizations and groups to use the athletic fields and community building. Contact us via email at [email protected] or call 993-2255 for more information.

Funding is provided by the 4 municipalities that HARP represents.  Based on population, each municipality provides an annual amount from its tax base.  Other funding comes from recreational fees paid by developers.  These fees are paid to the municipalities for the housing developments in the area and the money is then passed directly on to the Rec. Board.  Organizations such as the VFW, the American Legion, the Stewartstown Lion’s Club and the various athletic groups also provide financial support in addition to many other local organizations and businesses.

History & Board Membership:

The Recreation Board consists of seven members from the following municipalities: Hopewell Township, Stewartstown Borough, East Hopewell Township, and the Borough of Cross Roads. 

Each municipality has two representatives except for Cross Roads Borough which has one.  Each appointed member volunteers to serve a two-year term. Members are appointed by their respective municipality.

Interested in Serving?

If you are interested in representing your municipality and serve on the Hopewell Area Recreation & Parks board please contact your local municipal office.

Refund Policy

HARP Refund Policy:
Hopewell Area Recreation & Parks policy is that no registration refunds will be processed unless we are unable to facilitate the program due to lack of participation.



Hopewell Area Recreation & Parks
16 College Ave (Physical Location), PO Box 959 (Mail)
Stewartstown, Pennsylvania 17363

Phone: 717-993-2255
Email: [email protected]

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