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Hopewell Area Recreation & Parks

Hopewell Area Recreation & Parks

News Detail


Jun, 2020

Fireworks reminders

While we are happy to contribute a sense of normalcy to the community by having the fireworks this year, please keep in mind that we highly suggest you find a local spot to park and watch from the hood of the car or pickup truck bed maybe. With that in mind, we do understand that even with us not offering the band or concessions this year, people will come to the park to watch the display. It's part of your long standing traditions, or part of new traditions. We understand. We just need your help so we don't become the epicenter of a outbreak.

New this year: viewing space will be available at Camelot, and the lower fields (2&3). Hopefully this allows for maintaining proper distance with less people being present at the same time.

Regular rule #1 NO FIREWORKS ON OUR PROPERTY OTHER THAN THE ONES WE ARE SETTING OFF. Others setting fireworks off on our property is not only illegal, but it could harm surrounding property, an unintentional fire or even an early ignition of our fireworks.  

New Rules: 

1. Please, if possible, wear a mask for the safety of others. You really don't know what germs you are carrying or sharing.
2. Please stay 6 feet apart from those you do not reside with.
3. Bring your own sanitizer, unfortunately with sanitizer becoming easily one of the most stolen things of late, we just can't provide sanitizer stations safely.

Thank you for your anticipated help and cooperation. 


Hopewell Area Recreation & Parks
16 College Ave (Physical Location), PO Box 959 (Mail)
Stewartstown, Pennsylvania 17363

Phone: 717-993-2255
Email: [email protected]

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